lørdag den 22. juni 2013

My last couple of days as a 15-year old hipster from østerbronx

(My teammate Mads and my littlebrother Oscar!) 
My teammates from left to right: (Jakob, Bernes, KB, Julius)
 (Leo and his "Quality" coke!)
 (Me being afraid that Heat is going to win)
 (Congratz to King James)
 (Leo and my "twin" Ida!)
(I got that A$AP look!) 
 (The little mermaid from the hood!)
FINALY! Sorry I haven't been posting a lot on the blog lately but i've been soooo busy with the finals! :( But all the hard work did actually pay off! I got a 12 (A+) in both oral english and math (without digital help), a 10 (B+) in chemistry and math! And in oral danish I got a 7 (B)! FUCKING AMAZING! (cause normally I'm stupid as fuck!) 

As you probably know I'm gonna spend a year as an exchange student in the states so I've had to say goodbye to my football team after our last game against Vanløse (Top pictures) :( Such an amazing team with the best chemistry ever! Jeg kommer sgu til at savne jer gutter...

My friend Leo and I spend an entire night (00:00 - 07:00) watching sports last thursday! The seventh game in the NBA finals was being played and as the true Laker that I am I couldn't watch a game without my "Dwight" shirt on! :D But anyhow... congratulations to Miami Heat!

The day after the game Leo and I visited my "twin" to celebrate her birthday and that "Prick" :D kept teasing with being only one day older than me :( But now I'm gonna head to bed for the last time as a 15-year old hipster from østerbronx! Peace out! :D

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